Obama’s Attack On Women

The Obama Campaign’s attempts to reel in the women’s vote just took a major hit. The Susan B. Anthony List You Tube video of “Melissa’s story” exposing Obama’s refusal to protect babies born alive after a failed abortion, has been seen by swing voters in Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio,…

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What The Democrat Convention Revealed

If there were any doubt about what the democrat party has become, it was settled at their recent national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina this past week. In addition to their entire neglect of any mention of the economic disaster looming on the horizon, it was “Damn the torpedoes!  Full…

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Pastors Who Will Not Bend The Knee To Baal

In a widely distributed June 18, 2012 Newsletter by Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington D.C.,  “There is nothing more troubling to those who are pushing radical secularism on America than pastors who refuse to be silent because these pastors are the key to transforming America.” Perkins…

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Oregon Pastors: Selling Out To The Fear Of Man

In response to my blog yesterday about the lack of leadership from Oregon pastors to stop tax payer funded abortions in Oregon, one of the county leaders of the Oregon 2012 Project provided unsolicited personal testimony to that fact, the kind of proof that makes me wonder whether many if not most of…

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Requiring Taxpayers To Fund Other People’s Abortions

As clearly shown on the Oregon 2012 website “Oregon is one of only 13 states to require taxpayers to fund other people’s abortions, without restrictions, by court order.” “From 2003 to 2009, that amounts to $11.1 million in state money spent on 26,000 abortions!”  Thomas Jefferson, on September 6, 1819, wrote… “The…

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15 States Opt Out Of Funding Obama’s Abortion Plan

With little comment by the media, and as reported in Lifenews.com, South Dakota in Mid March “became the fifteenth state to cut abortion funding in the controversial Obamacare health care legislation that requires states to set up health insurance exchanges and Americans to purchase health insurance.” When Governor Dennis Daugaard signed HB 1185, “South…

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Romney’s Challenge

In the latest Gallup poll on the Republican Presidential Campaign conducted April 2-8 amongst registered Republicans and ‘Republican-leaning’ Independents, titled “Romney’s Challenge”, Gallup found that Romney now “faces the challenge of building enthusiasm and, hence, turnout among certain key groups of Republicans among whom he has done less well during the primary contests…

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Electability? Or a Mess of Pottage?

It took Hitler and the Nazis only a few years to reconfigure the German Church to serve his wishes.  Wanting security, church leaders capitulated to Nazi pressure, bought in to Nazi doctrine and embraced his anti Semitic, Aryan propaganda.  The Republican establishment Mormon connection and promotion of the fallacy that…

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