By David Crowe on July 13, 2013
in 9-12 Groups, abortion, Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Primaries, progressives, ProLife, Religious freedom, republican, Same Sex Marriage, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
In spite of the raucous, lawless, and disruptive protests of those who vehemently claim they have some imagined “right” to kill other human beings at their discretion and for their convenience, the Texas Legislature, on Friday, July 12th, said, “No” you don’t. Following the lead of Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabama,…
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By David Crowe on January 18, 2013
in Barack Obama, Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, First Amendment, Mitt Romney, Political Correctness, Primaries, progressives, ProLife, Religious freedom, religious liberty, republican, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
Yesterday, Charles Krauthhammer, one of America’s wisest syndicated columnists wrote regarding Republicans, “Want to save the Republic? Win the next election! If your conservative philosophy is indeed right, winning will come.” Maybe, maybe not. The Republican philosophy of smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, less spending, reducing the debt, a strong national defense, and…
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By David Crowe on April 15, 2012
in Blog, Born Again, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Primaries, ProLife, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
With little comment by the media, and as reported in, South Dakota in Mid March “became the fifteenth state to cut abortion funding in the controversial Obamacare health care legislation that requires states to set up health insurance exchanges and Americans to purchase health insurance.” When Governor Dennis Daugaard signed HB 1185, “South…
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By David Crowe on April 10, 2012
in Blog, Born Again, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, Romney, Santorum, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
That is the question Megan Kelly asked at the close of her America Live program focused on the departure from the Presidential race by former Senator Rick Santorum. For all who have followed the Republican Presidential Campaign it is indeed the question for Mitt Romney, the Republican Establishment, the Tea Party, conservative Independents…
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By David Crowe on March 30, 2012
in Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Nazi Germany, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, ProLife, Romney, Santorum, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
It took Hitler and the Nazis only a few years to reconfigure the German Church to serve his wishes. Wanting security, church leaders capitulated to Nazi pressure, bought in to Nazi doctrine and embraced his anti Semitic, Aryan propaganda. The Republican establishment Mormon connection and promotion of the fallacy that…
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By David Crowe on March 28, 2012
in Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, Romney, Santorum, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
Let’s face it brethren! The only reason Barack Obama was elected President of the United States is because 25% of the 33 million Evangelicals who voted, ignored his background and record as a state and U.S. Senator, bought his pied piper campaign rhetoric and voted for him! 1 in 4 of…
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By David Crowe on March 18, 2012
in Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Nazi Germany, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, Romney, Santorum, Uncategorized, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
In 1928 a young German theologian – insightful beyond his years – and reflecting upon the German Church, wrote, “We build him a temple, but we live in our own houses.” Sunday morning services had become a place “into which one gladly withdraws for a couple of hours, but only to get…
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By David Crowe on March 15, 2012
in Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, Romney, Santorum, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
On, and on, and on it goes! Where the spin stops only the voters really know! Thank God for citizens who take their citizenship seriously! There may yet be hope for America if Evangelical Christians refuse to listen to the Television Networks and Republican Establishment spinners, get out of their pews and go…
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