I Will Take Character Over Rhetoric Any Day

Do we really think Americans are so dumb that they will take smooth but empty words skillfully crafted, over character and commitment? That is what the media and political pundits would have us believe when they talk about who would beat Barack Obama, the master teleprompter orator in America today. …

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Evading The Obvious

As the Fox News Commentators analyzed and commiserated over the Super Tuesday election results, one glaring omission was obvious: the seeming inability of even Carl Rove to show that adding Santorum’s and Gingrich’s vote totals continue to demonstrate that conservatives are clearly in the majority in the Republican Party and do not…

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Santorum, Satan, And The Secularists

In 1950, President Harry Truman, , said, “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these…

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Deceiving The Elect For Political Advantage

Remember Elmer Gantry? The strategy to mislead and maneuver republican voters to do as the Republican establishment wants, while not overtly out of Sol Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, is more akin to the slick and seductive methods of Elmer Gantry.  They, and the media, refuse to acknowledge except in garbled and muffled tones,…

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Restoration Begins With Us!

The restoration of America to the wisdom, principles and values of our Founders and the Scriptures they held dear, must begin at the ballot box in both the remaining primaries and the November 6th General Election. Since over 20 million Evangelical Christians who are eligible to VOTE, DO NOT VOTE…

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God At Work In Washington, D.C.

In the midst of all the news about our nations debt, unemployment, election controversies, and finger pointing, comes indication of a long overdue spiritual awakening on Capitol Hill. The Congressional Prayer Caucus, a group of about 100 members of Congress, held, and personally paid for a private viewing of the…

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