America Is In Trouble

We elected Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 because he promised to bring the nation together, to be transparent and bi-partisan, correct a failing economy, and break the gridlock in  Washington as President of all the people.  Never in our lifetime, however, have the American people seen such optimism turn to…

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Pastor David Jeremiah On This Election

After 40 years, well known and hightly respected Evangelical Pastor David Jeremiah spoke out from his pulpit for the first time on politics and the role of Christians in this election. He answered questions about Mormonism and Christianity, the professed faith of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, and argued for the importance of the Christian…

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Romney In Charge

Two thumbs down to the “spinners” before and after the final debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama!  The left wing media outdid themselves in their efforts to persuade Americans that their guy is the right choice to lead America for the next four years. Before the debate even began, Joel Klein of Time magazine,…

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You Lie!

Remember the South Carolina Congressman who said “You Lie!” while Barack Obama touted his affordable care act before a joint session of Congress in 2009? His asertion, roundly criticized then by the Obama media and leaders of both political parties, can no longer be swept away by his fawning media and adoring fans. After…

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Bipartisan Solutions? Or Informed Voter Solution?

President Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden are continually saying the Republicans in Congress are the problem, that they are preventing the nation from going forward.  Is that really true? Consider this:  The 2010 Election saw voters replace Nancy Pelosi and her liberal democrat control of the House in a landslide…

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I know.  Everyone is coming up with descriptors for last night’s debacle in Denver, but to me, ‘Smackdown’ is the word that best describes what happened in the debate between the touted master of cool and the former Governor of Massachusetts. Surprisingly to some,  Mitt Romney may well become the new Terminator!…

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Obama’s Attack On Women

The Obama Campaign’s attempts to reel in the women’s vote just took a major hit. The Susan B. Anthony List You Tube video of “Melissa’s story” exposing Obama’s refusal to protect babies born alive after a failed abortion, has been seen by swing voters in Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio,…

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The 47%: Who are they and why is Obama making so much of this?

The Obama Cult Media, and the Obama Campaign, in their cozy and corrupt frenzy to ensure their pied piper of left wing causes remains on the throne in Washington D.C., has made much of Mitt Romney’s statement about the 47% who pay no taxes. Using it to further their class…

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