The Trayvon Martin case was not about racism. All the facts were clearly demonstrated in the trial of the accused, the jury’s decision, and supported by both FBI and Department of Justice inquiries. It was made into a ‘race’ issue when the media, and the likes of those who have…
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By David Crowe on July 13, 2013
in 9-12 Groups, abortion, Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Primaries, progressives, ProLife, Religious freedom, republican, Same Sex Marriage, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
In spite of the raucous, lawless, and disruptive protests of those who vehemently claim they have some imagined “right” to kill other human beings at their discretion and for their convenience, the Texas Legislature, on Friday, July 12th, said, “No” you don’t. Following the lead of Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabama,…
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By David Crowe on May 19, 2013
in 9-12 Groups, Citizenship, Congress, Constitution, First Amendment, IRS abuse, Nazi Germany, Obama Promises, Patriots, Political Correctness, progressives, Religious freedom, religious liberty, republican, Second Amendment, Tea Party, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
The fascists under Hitler first deceived the German people by their words and then by sheer heavy handed, in the streets, in your face, in your house terror to shut down any criticism or opposition to government control of every aspect of their lives. American fascists operate differently to achieve…
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By David Crowe on May 03, 2013
in abortion, Barack Obama, Evangelical, First Amendment, GLBT, Homosexuality, Marriage, ProLife, Religious freedom, religious liberty, Same Sex Marriage, Uncategorized, Voter Confidence
What does it say to Christians in America and people around the world when the President of the United States speaks glowingly to the largest abortionist organization in America about women’s rights, and says nothing about the rights of born alive, innocent babies willfully and unconscionably murdered in a Philadelphia abortion clinic? And then closes by…
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By David Crowe on March 20, 2013
in abortion, Blog, Evangelical, Political Correctness, ProLife, republican, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
Yesterday, Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee Establishment made an enormous blunder that could destroy the Republican Party, our ability as social and moral conservatives to choose conservative candidates in the primaries, and propel us without recourse to a full blown freedomless socialist state. Speaking at the National Press…
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By David Crowe on January 31, 2013
in Barack Obama, Blog, Evangelical, Family, Homosexuality, Marriage, Political Correctness, progressives, Religious freedom, religious liberty, Same Sex Marriage, Voting
A few days ago, I wrote about Barack Obama’s desire to force our military Chaplains to violate their conscience and religious convictions by marrying homosexuals and lesbians in military service. His actions and words are a demonstration of his clear intent to circumvent the Constitution, override fundamental religious freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment, and impose his will on all Americans. Circumventing the Constitution…
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By David Crowe on January 18, 2013
in Barack Obama, Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, First Amendment, Mitt Romney, Political Correctness, Primaries, progressives, ProLife, Religious freedom, religious liberty, republican, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
Yesterday, Charles Krauthhammer, one of America’s wisest syndicated columnists wrote regarding Republicans, “Want to save the Republic? Win the next election! If your conservative philosophy is indeed right, winning will come.” Maybe, maybe not. The Republican philosophy of smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, less spending, reducing the debt, a strong national defense, and…
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By David Crowe on January 05, 2013
in Barack Obama, Blog, Evangelical, Family, First Amendment, Marriage, Political Correctness, Religious freedom, religious liberty, Same Sex Marriage
President Barack Obama – who claims to be a Christian – and in defiance of the clear teaching of Scripture, thinks Military Chaplains should ignore those scriptures, no matter their conscience and convictions, and instead capitulate to the immoral, destructive, and indefensible demands of 2% of the American population. After signing the National Defense Authorization Act…
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By David Crowe on December 24, 2012
in Blog, Born Again, Christmas, Citizenship, Evangelical, First Amendment, Jesus, Marriage, Religious freedom, Same Sex Marriage
Now that Barack Obama – in direct contradistinction to Ronald Reagan’s strong pro life, pro marriage and family position as President of the United States – has ascended to the Presidency once again, Christians around the world are wondering if Christians in America will continue to take a strong stand for our principles…
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Americans across the country should not be confused about why a 20 year old male in Connecticutt, without a twinge of conscience, could enter an elementary school and murder 20 innocent little children in addition to every adult that got in his way. To begin with, the issue is not about firearms. …
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