Owning Our Duty

It should be clear to all observant Americans that the secular, anti-Christian ‘progressive’ Left has taken over our educational, election, governmental, media, justice, and political, institutions. If not stopped by “We the people” at the ballot box, they will destroy the nation as we have known it, fulfilling Barack Obama’s…

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Obama Nation

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Barack Obama – October 30, 2008 “… the words “fundamentally transform” should have alarmed everyone. We Americans generally don’t do fundamental transformation. We make changes, yes, small and large, but who among us — other than the…

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Restoring First Principles

“In disquisitions of every kind, there are certain primary truths, or first principles, upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend.” Alexander Hamilton 1757-1804 Signer of the U. S. Constitution and author of 51 of the 85 Federalist Papers “which were of immense consequence in influencing the ratification of the Constitution.”1…

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Barack the Ethical:Hope & Change Redux

Understanding Oregon Measure 106 This outstanding Article written by Restore America Board Member Allan Erickson I encourage you to have Allan speak at your event Either Barack Obama genuinely believes what he says, or he is the greatest con man in recent history, or he is so deeply delusional, medical…

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The Kitzhaber – Obama Connection

What are we to think when Oregon’s democrat Governor acts strangely and is being asked by top elected officials in Oregon (all democrats) to resign, while the Nation’s President lays down a consistent trail of acts and decisions that are repeatedly inconsistent with the duties of his office, yet no one…

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Our President, What a Guy!

What does it say to Christians in America and people around the world when the President of the United States speaks glowingly to the largest abortionist organization in America about women’s rights, and says nothing about the rights of born alive, innocent babies  willfully and unconscionably murdered in a Philadelphia abortion clinic?  And then closes by…

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Obama’s America Makeover – Neutering Marriage

A few days ago, I wrote about Barack Obama’s desire to force our military Chaplains to violate their conscience and religious convictions by marrying homosexuals and lesbians in military service.  His actions and words are a demonstration of his clear intent to circumvent the Constitution, override fundamental religious freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment, and impose his will on all Americans. Circumventing the Constitution…

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Krauthammer Is Right!

Yesterday, Charles Krauthhammer, one of America’s wisest syndicated columnists wrote regarding Republicans,  “Want to save the Republic? Win the next election!  If your conservative philosophy is indeed right, winning will come.” Maybe, maybe not.  The Republican philosophy of smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, less spending, reducing the debt, a strong national defense, and…

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