United Nations Immoral Sex Education Plan

Comprehensive Sex Education Coming To Your Schools Or… in your schools already! On August 24th I reported on draq queens making LGBTQ Planned Parenthood sex education program presentations to Kindergartners in over 200 public schools across the nation, including public libraries in Houston and Austin, Texas. On July 22nd I…

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Drag Queens In Our Schools/Libraries

Protecting Our Children? Drag Queens Teaching In Our Schools Are you aware that the LGBTQ Plan to further legitimize their ‘lifestyle’ is now being implemented in our public schools and libraries? Across the nation men posing as women – aided by gullible and easily manipulated parents, teachers, and administrators –…

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Darkening The Minds Of Oregon’s Children

The Danger Of Oregon’s State Legislature Radical ideologues Coming after your child’s mind “The liberal Warren Court (1953-1969) may have envisioned attaining freedom from religion by the removal of prayer and the Bible from public education in their Engel v. Vitale (1962) and Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) decisions.…

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The New Primitives

Our Spiral Into Precivilization Want a clear and lucid explanation of why America is sliding into a precivilization mentality? Read this article by William Kilpatrick “Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington Restore America “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty…

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Falling Prey To Our Baser Instincts

Joe Biden Sells Out To The LGBT Agenda “Former Vice-President Joe Biden gave the keynote address at the LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign gala in Columbus, Ohio. He announced that if elected president in 2020, his top legislative priority will be to sign the Equality Act into law; simply put, to…

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Awakening, Revival, And Restoration

There is no doubt that America is “Slouching toward Gomorrah”,* the city that God destroyed along with Sodom for their complete capitulation to sexual perversion. With the now rapid accommodation of the homosexual agenda by large corporations, local, state, and federal government, elected officials in both parties, and the education…

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What Has Happened To America?

Governance Without God Do you not already hear the warnings of God? Do you not see that the enemy is coming in like a flood? And God is trying to raise up a standard against it. And you and I are that standard.” Dr. Henry Blackaby, Founder & Chairman Emeritus…

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All Out Assault On Religious Freedom

Stop The Assault In the 2020 Elections Do you not already hear the warnings of God? Do you not see that the enemy is coming in like a flood? And God is trying to raise up a standard against it. And you and I are that standard.” Dr. Henry Blackaby,…

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Does God Approve Of Homosexuality?

A Presidential Candidate Says He Does “As America retreats “from the fixed boundaries of the moral order consistent with God’s character”, Christianity has been in every practical sense stripped from the culture. The ‘twisted’ now reign, and whatever their outward piety, they in reality scorn God.” David Lane – President,…

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Our President, What a Guy!

What does it say to Christians in America and people around the world when the President of the United States speaks glowingly to the largest abortionist organization in America about women’s rights, and says nothing about the rights of born alive, innocent babies  willfully and unconscionably murdered in a Philadelphia abortion clinic?  And then closes by…

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