Discovering Who Won The Presidential Election

The hate Trump democrats and bedfellows in the media, big tech social media, corporate America, socialists, anarchists, globalists, and the Biden Transition Team, are all working to persuade Americans that Joe Biden won the Presidency when in fact they know he did not, nor could he have. Now comes .…

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Finding The Truth About The Presidential Election

It has been 44 days since the Presidential election and millions of Americans still have no confidence that Joe Biden was the winner. Why? No one in the media, local, state,or federal government has presented believable, indisputable, and trustworthy facts to prove it. Well over 70 million voters do not…

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Proof Of Election Criminality And “Vote Shifting”

The missing piece in the Trump Team’s effort to prove the Election was stolen in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, is identifying how the vulnerability of the voting machines and software to “vote shifting” can be detected. That vulnerability and how it takes place can now be seen…

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Voter Fraud Evidence Is Massive

Evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide “While many Democrats and their allies in the traditional media argue there is no evidence of systemic voting irregularities in the Nov. 3 election, a mountain of evidence has been amassed in private lawsuits alleging there was, in fact, significant and widespread voting misconduct.”…

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The Meaning Of The Word “Dominion”

“tread down”, “subjugate”, “prevail against”, “reign”, or “rule” over The Hebrew root word “radah” In the past three weeks a Company called “Dominion” has come under increasing scrutiny as a source of serious “vote shifting” in the November Election. Dominion manufactures, sells, and maintains Electronic Voting Machines and Critical Software…

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Mandating The Abyss

A recent 2013 analysis of Voting by Protestants in the 2012 Presidential Election by George Barna for the Study of American Culture & Faith reports that 39 million who were registered, did not Vote.  The very enormity of  this negligence would be considered an apparent death wish by our Founders.…

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Texas Legislature Got It Right

In spite of the raucous, lawless, and disruptive protests of those who vehemently claim they have some imagined “right” to kill other human beings at their discretion and for their convenience, the Texas Legislature, on Friday, July 12th, said, “No” you don’t. Following the lead of Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabama,…

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