Obama’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Chaplains

President Barack Obama – who claims to be a Christian – and in defiance of  the clear teaching of Scripture, thinks Military Chaplains should ignore those scriptures, no matter their conscience and convictions, and instead capitulate to the immoral, destructive, and indefensible demands of 2% of the American population. After signing the National Defense Authorization Act…

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Refocusing “Focus”

Now that Barack Obama – in direct contradistinction to Ronald Reagan’s strong pro life,  pro marriage and family position as President of the United States –  has ascended to the Presidency once again, Christians around the world are wondering if Christians in America will continue to take a strong stand for our principles…

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America Is In Trouble

We elected Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 because he promised to bring the nation together, to be transparent and bi-partisan, correct a failing economy, and break the gridlock in  Washington as President of all the people.  Never in our lifetime, however, have the American people seen such optimism turn to…

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Positive Backlash: The Upside To Left Wing Religious Bigotry

In my last blog I wrote about America’s religion of the left (secular humanism) and  illustrated how it’s proponents do all they can to prevent any public discussion of both their intent to impose it upon all Americans and how it’s implementation is already destroying our foundational institutions. The closest we came to…

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Pastors Who Will Not Bend The Knee To Baal

In a widely distributed June 18, 2012 Newsletter by Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington D.C.,  “There is nothing more troubling to those who are pushing radical secularism on America than pastors who refuse to be silent because these pastors are the key to transforming America.” Perkins…

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The Assault On Religious Freedom

You doubt? It is full scale in England, and the radical ‘progressives‘ in America are following hard after.   James Madison, 4th President of the United States, appointed Joseph Story to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1811.  The youngest and possibly the most influential person ever to serve as a Justice, Story served…

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