By David Crowe on May 03, 2013
in abortion, Barack Obama, Evangelical, First Amendment, GLBT, Homosexuality, Marriage, ProLife, Religious freedom, religious liberty, Same Sex Marriage, Uncategorized, Voter Confidence
What does it say to Christians in America and people around the world when the President of the United States speaks glowingly to the largest abortionist organization in America about women’s rights, and says nothing about the rights of born alive, innocent babies willfully and unconscionably murdered in a Philadelphia abortion clinic? And then closes by…
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By David Crowe on March 20, 2013
in abortion, Blog, Evangelical, Political Correctness, ProLife, republican, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
Yesterday, Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee Establishment made an enormous blunder that could destroy the Republican Party, our ability as social and moral conservatives to choose conservative candidates in the primaries, and propel us without recourse to a full blown freedomless socialist state. Speaking at the National Press…
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By David Crowe on October 26, 2012
in abortion, Blog, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Family, Marriage, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, Obama, Presidential Candidates, Romney, Same Sex Marriage, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
After 40 years, well known and hightly respected Evangelical Pastor David Jeremiah spoke out from his pulpit for the first time on politics and the role of Christians in this election. He answered questions about Mormonism and Christianity, the professed faith of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, and argued for the importance of the Christian…
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By David Crowe on October 04, 2012
in abortion, Blog, Elections, foreign policy, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, Obama, Obama Promises, Presidential Candidates, ProLife, Romney, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
I know. Everyone is coming up with descriptors for last night’s debacle in Denver, but to me, ‘Smackdown’ is the word that best describes what happened in the debate between the touted master of cool and the former Governor of Massachusetts. Surprisingly to some, Mitt Romney may well become the new Terminator!…
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By David Crowe on October 03, 2012
in abortion, Blog, Born Again, Catholic vote, Elections, Evangelical, Mitt Romney, Obama, Presidential Candidates, ProLife, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
The Obama Campaign’s attempts to reel in the women’s vote just took a major hit. The Susan B. Anthony List You Tube video of “Melissa’s story” exposing Obama’s refusal to protect babies born alive after a failed abortion, has been seen by swing voters in Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio,…
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