The Donald: Character Matters

A month ago, and numerous times since, Donald Trump took every opportunity in front of the television cameras to blame Ted Cruz personally for the false report that Ben Carson was getting out of the race, even though he knew that was not Cruz’ doing, nor did it affect the…

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South Carolina Evangelicals: Dancing With The Devil

On February 20, 2016 South Carolina’s Evangelical voters unwittingly cut a deal with the devil. Forgetting or tossing aside the clear teaching of the very scriptures they say are from God, and their guidelines for life and blessing, they opted for a profane, vulgar, and worldly narcissist rather than a…

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Rubio Lied: Cruz Spoke The Truth

In the last two debates Marco Rubio called Ted Cruz a liar and said Cruz was spreading lies about Rubio’s record.  The proof that Cruz was not lying but Rubio is, is revealed below. His deceit is evident to all who will look at the facts. He continues each day to perpetuate the same…

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The Weapons Of Our Warfare

The elections of 2016 mark the re-emergence of America as a beacon of hope for the world  or a people determined to continue the downward course of lawlessness, moral degradation, spiritual darkness, division, and anarchy.  What follows the downward spiral is totalitarian government and the loss of our freedoms, including our religious freedoms.   Evangelical Christians, as…

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Why Ted Cruz Won The Iowa Debate

Ted Cruz was right last night in Des Moine, Iowa when he said to Chris Wallace, “Debates are about Policy and Substantive Solutions”. The following video clips of Cruz debate comments illustrate the truth of his response to Wallace. Megyn Kelly’s Post Debate Admission Ted Cruz was right in his…

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A Petulant Child As President?

Yesterday, Donald Trump had a childish meltdown and withdrew from tonight’s Fox News debate when he couldn’t get Fox President Roger Ailes to remove Megan Kelly as one of the three moderators of the later debate on Thursday night.  His withdrawal should tell us all a lot about what the Donald would…

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