On March 18th I wrote to over 4,000 Oregonians that “There are three major decisions Oregonians must make in 2018.” In 31 days, Oregon’s Christians will have taken a large step in answering all three. That large step depends on what Oregon’s pastors, church boards, denominational, and organization leaders, and…

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Parents, Politicians, And Protecting Our Children

“Permit the children to come to me; do not hinder them; for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Jesus in Mark 10:14 Throughout the world by God’s design – and apart from mankind’s fallen and sinful nature – there is nothing more universal than the love of…

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Oregon Christians – Be Believing

Restoring Oregon “As One Man” “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Another Hebrew meaning: “are unrestrained”) Proverbs 29:18 Oregon State Government in Salem will not change unless voting age Christians arise from their perennial slumber of distraction, discouragement, unbelief and defeat, and and take action “As One Man.”…

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