What Has Happened To America?

Governance Without God Do you not already hear the warnings of God? Do you not see that the enemy is coming in like a flood? And God is trying to raise up a standard against it. And you and I are that standard.” Dr. Henry Blackaby, Founder & Chairman Emeritus…

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All Out Assault On Religious Freedom

Stop The Assault In the 2020 Elections Do you not already hear the warnings of God? Do you not see that the enemy is coming in like a flood? And God is trying to raise up a standard against it. And you and I are that standard.” Dr. Henry Blackaby,…

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Transgenderism Being Taught In Our Schools

What is your child being exposed to? Yesterday I reported that the Trump Administration is apparently on board with promoting the homosexual agenda around the world through our Embassies as reported by Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel. While I personally doubted this on April 19th, Matt personally confirmed this is…

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Pompeo Pushes LGBTQ Agenda Internationally

Sec. Of St. Mike Pompeo Pushes GLBTQ Agenda Internationally Startling Development In Trump Administration “As America retreats “from the fixed boundaries of the moral order consistent with God’s character”, Christianity has been in every practical sense stripped from the culture. The ‘twisted’ now reign, and whatever their outward piety, they…

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Does God Approve Of Homosexuality?

A Presidential Candidate Says He Does “As America retreats “from the fixed boundaries of the moral order consistent with God’s character”, Christianity has been in every practical sense stripped from the culture. The ‘twisted’ now reign, and whatever their outward piety, they in reality scorn God.” David Lane – President,…

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‘Misguided Judges’ Revisited

On February 2nd I wrote that Oregon Judge Michael McShane’s justification for ruling that Oregon’s Marriage Amendment was ‘unconstitutional’ was absurd, unfounded, and without basis.   His statement that, “Oregon’s marriage laws discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation without a rational relationship to any legitimate government interest…” ignored indisputable facts. In addition…

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Our President, What a Guy!

What does it say to Christians in America and people around the world when the President of the United States speaks glowingly to the largest abortionist organization in America about women’s rights, and says nothing about the rights of born alive, innocent babies  willfully and unconscionably murdered in a Philadelphia abortion clinic?  And then closes by…

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Obama’s America Makeover – Neutering Marriage

A few days ago, I wrote about Barack Obama’s desire to force our military Chaplains to violate their conscience and religious convictions by marrying homosexuals and lesbians in military service.  His actions and words are a demonstration of his clear intent to circumvent the Constitution, override fundamental religious freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment, and impose his will on all Americans. Circumventing the Constitution…

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Positive Backlash: The Upside To Left Wing Religious Bigotry

In my last blog I wrote about America’s religion of the left (secular humanism) and  illustrated how it’s proponents do all they can to prevent any public discussion of both their intent to impose it upon all Americans and how it’s implementation is already destroying our foundational institutions. The closest we came to…

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