Falling Prey To Our Baser Instincts

Joe Biden Sells Out To The LGBT Agenda

“Former Vice-President Joe Biden gave the keynote address at the LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign gala in Columbus, Ohio. He announced that if elected president in 2020, his top legislative priority will be to sign the Equality Act into law; simply put, to sanctify “LGBTQ protections into the nation’s labor and civil rights laws.

As quoted by

David Lane, American Renewal Project

The mis-named “Equality Act” passed by the democrat controlled House of Representatives and now before the U.S. Senate, as SB 788 “pushes the LGBT agenda on all people and targets Christianity in every area of life-including the church. There will be an increase of instances where Christians and others are being punished unless they violate their beliefs in order to comply with such a law.” The Act . . .

  • “promotes the lie that a boy can be a girl and vice versa
  • completely ignores the harmful side effects of hormone treatments and increased rates of suicide for young children and adults.
  • pushes the LGBT agenda on teens and adults instead of allowing them to receive the counsel they desperately need.
  • bans professionals from offering any advice or help to anyone who wants to reduce or eliminate their same-sex attractions.
  • Biological men will have access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, showers, and nursing-mother rooms at any time. They can also stay as long as they please.
  • If biological parents refuse to provide sex-change surgeries and hormones to their minor child, the government views this as “child abuse” and can remove the child from their home and use taxpayer dollars to fund such medical actions.
  • Pastors and other leaders would be forced to officiate same-sex ceremonies, and hire staff involved in homosexual conduct.”

This is only a partial list of the affects passage of this bill into law will have on all faith filled and loyal followers of Jesus Christ if we do not ensure it never becomes law.

And if you say it will “Never happen” in America, think again. It is already happening. Homosexual based programs and transgender speakers are already being allowed by sympathetic principals, administrators and school boards to openly teach and speak to our children in public schools, without notifying parents.

The Bill passed the democrat controlled House of Representatives by 50 votes. With 47 democrats in the Senate already on board in support of the Senate Bill, and the possibility of 3 -4 liberal Republicans joining them, all that is then needed before the 2020 elections is the Senate Chair to bring the bill to the Senate Floor for a vote, and if passed, the signature of Donald Trump who has already demonstrated his support of homosexual marriage.

Now comes flip flopping Joe Biden, pandering to the baser instincts of fallen men and women in his already compromised party – including many professing and deceived Christians – assuring the homosexual community that he will sign this Bill if he gets elected President.

Even if Senator McConnell does not bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote (which is likely he will not), if the democrats keep control of the House and take control of the Senate, and elect Joe Biden President in 2020, it would pass through both houses of Congress in a flash, and Biden would sign it.

This issue, as much as the need to appoint conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, and the judiciary, is why Republicans must hold the Senate and re-elect Donald Trump in 2020, no matter what happens between now and the November 2020 General Election.

The federal “Equality Act” will destroy freedom of speech and religious liberty in America and subject anyone, including parents, pastors, Christian business owners, and Christian counselors into lawsuits and imprisonment if passed and signed by the President of the United States.

Sin and flesh is “crouching at the door” to devour those among the ego driven who sell their souls in pursuit of personal political agendas (Genesis 4:7 NASB).

God help us! And HE WILL! If we will “humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, he will forgive our sin and heal our land” (II Chronicles 7:14).


If we fail to engage now and all the way to November 2020, our freedoms and liberties could be lost, and lost forever in one day.

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George Washington

Restore America

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”

II Corinthians 10:4-5

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The Truth About Education In America

The Looming Catastrophe

When A Nation Rejects God

Pray for our nation’s leaders, our pastors, and for the Body of Christ to find their voice in the war against the Left’s Efforts to destroy the nation.

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