Oregon Christians – Be Believing

Restoring Oregon “As One Man” “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Another Hebrew meaning: “are unrestrained”) Proverbs 29:18 Oregon State Government in Salem will not change unless voting age Christians arise from their perennial slumber of distraction, discouragement, unbelief and defeat, and and take action “As One Man.”…

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Changing Oregon “As One Man”

Restoring Oregon “As One Man” It’s time to deliver Oregon from the hands of radical “progressives” in the Oregon State Legislature “As One Man.” Click on Restoring Oregon “As One Man” to see how, together, Oregon’s Evangelical and Born Again Christians can make this happen. In God We Must Trust…

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In God We Must Trust

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 Ever since the Everson vs. Board of Education ruling in 1947 which rejected the Founder’s intent of the First Amendment, the Supreme Court, in it’s wrongheaded view of American history, the Constitution,…

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Huge Victory For Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty And Freedom Of Conscience Supreme Court Justices Get It Right On January 16th, in a 5-4 decision, “The justices declined last week to hear a legal challenge against a Mississippi law that protects citizens, small businesses, government employees, and charities from official discrimination by government if they believe…

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Why Oregon Christians Need To Wake Up

Religious Liberty Is Threatened by the State of Oregon On December 26th The Oregon Court of Appeals upheld an Oregon administrative law judge’s decision that forced two Christian bakers to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple who said they felt “mentally raped” when the bakers declined to make a wedding…

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Corruption In Oregon State Government

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Albert Einstein When Ideology Takes Over Since August, Allan Erickson, Restore America Board Member, has been researching the misguided policies and practices of Oregon’s radical Governor and…

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Illegal Immigration In Oregon

Addressing The Problem “Where sense is wanting, everything is wanting.” –Benjamin Franklin” Assault On The Republic It has been said many times, and rightly, that this Republic exists only to the extent we preserve the rule of law and cultivate good citizenship. Allowing illegal immigration, even encouraging it as the…

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Oregon As A Sanctuary State

Governor Kate Brown And Oregon Democrats “Where sense is wanting, everything is wanting.” –Benjamin Franklin” On December 2,2017 Fox News reported that a “Mexican immigrant deported 20 times gets 35 years in Portland sex assaults.” Quoting Portland’s KATU News, the Mexican national “had been deported 20 times and had a…

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