By David Crowe on May 19, 2013
in 9-12 Groups, Citizenship, Congress, Constitution, First Amendment, IRS abuse, Nazi Germany, Obama Promises, Patriots, Political Correctness, progressives, Religious freedom, religious liberty, republican, Second Amendment, Tea Party, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
The fascists under Hitler first deceived the German people by their words and then by sheer heavy handed, in the streets, in your face, in your house terror to shut down any criticism or opposition to government control of every aspect of their lives. American fascists operate differently to achieve…
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By David Crowe on November 27, 2012
in Blog, Born Again, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Nazi Germany, Obama, Obama Promises, Religious freedom, Social, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
We elected Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 because he promised to bring the nation together, to be transparent and bi-partisan, correct a failing economy, and break the gridlock in Washington as President of all the people. Never in our lifetime, however, have the American people seen such optimism turn to…
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By David Crowe on October 04, 2012
in abortion, Blog, Elections, foreign policy, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, Obama, Obama Promises, Presidential Candidates, ProLife, Romney, Voter Confidence, Voter Registration, Voters, Voting
I know. Everyone is coming up with descriptors for last night’s debacle in Denver, but to me, ‘Smackdown’ is the word that best describes what happened in the debate between the touted master of cool and the former Governor of Massachusetts. Surprisingly to some, Mitt Romney may well become the new Terminator!…
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