With millions of bible believing Christians unregistered to VOTE, and millions more who are registered – but NOT VOTING in election after election – we fail to carry out our LORD’s command to be ‘salt and light’ to the culture in which we live.  That is not what our Founders – and generations since – had in mind and for which they gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish, protect and preserve.

Please join us in our efforts to reach and mobilize millions of Evangelical and Born Again Christians to REGISTER and VOTE in their 2016 STATE PRIMARIES and November 8th, General Election.

Our Goal

Our Goal is 100,000 Bible believing Christians throughout the nation working with their pastors, Christian organizations, and ministries “As One Man”, to hold non-partisan Voter Registration and Turnout Drives in their churches and work places each Sunday, for 3 weeks prior to the voter registration deadline, and 5 weeks before the November 8th, 2016 Election.

Voter Registration Deadlines by State

Review the America 2016 Project

Join the America 2016 Project

Using our communication tools whether email, social networks, mobile or text “As One Man” (Judges 6:16), Christians can be the difference in choosing Christian World View candidates to office and influencing the outcome of ballot issues in both State Primaries and November 8th  General Election.  As the largest voting bloc in the nation (58 million eligible to VOTE) we have the ability to determine whether we will be a nation under men, or a nation…“Under God”, as our Founders and Forefathers envisioned.

 Join Us!


Related Links
Sign The Covenant to Vote | Register to Vote | Turnout the Vote | What you can do | Tools | Why you must vote | For whom should you vote