By David Crowe on May 19, 2013
in 9-12 Groups, Citizenship, Congress, Constitution, First Amendment, IRS abuse, Nazi Germany, Obama Promises, Patriots, Political Correctness, progressives, Religious freedom, religious liberty, republican, Second Amendment, Tea Party, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
The fascists under Hitler first deceived the German people by their words and then by sheer heavy handed, in the streets, in your face, in your house terror to shut down any criticism or opposition to government control of every aspect of their lives. American fascists operate differently to achieve…
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By David Crowe on July 28, 2012
in Blog, Born Again, Citizenship, Elections, Evangelical, Homosexuality, Jesus, Marriage, Political Correctness, Same Sex Marriage, Second Amendment, Social, Voter Confidence, Voters, Voting
Yesterday, Lanny Davis, former Clinton confidant and liberal commentator writing for FoxNews, said the following: “Early last Friday morning in Aurora, Colo., Americans were reminded that there remains in the world the existence of pure, sociopathic evil — an inhuman monster who celebrates death and has no sensations from a…
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