Owning Our Duty

It should be clear to all observant Americans that the secular, anti-Christian ‘progressive’ Left has taken over our educational, election, governmental, media, justice, and political, institutions. If not stopped by “We the people” at the ballot box, they will destroy the nation as we have known it, fulfilling Barack Obama’s vision of “transforming America.”

On Monday, January 15th, at 7PM Central time, Iowa Republicans who turn out in extreme weather, will VOTE for the Republican candidate of their choice for President of the United States, commencing 9 months of state Primaries and Caucus gatherings, each Party’s National Conventions and the November 5th National Election to determine America’ next President, Congressional Representatives, Senators, state, and local office holders.

We Are Accountable!

Pray that Serious Minded Christians And Conservative Americans Remember Their Citizenship Responsibilities In 2024

David Crowe And The Restore America Team

(Your Support Is Needed)

Restore America

P.O. Box 147, Grimsley, TN 38565

“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.”

Isaiah 59:19

“The truth will set you (and America) free”

John 8:31-32

“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!”

Psalm 107:1


“Occupy (do His business) till He Comes”




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