Joe Biden, his Administration, and the Democrat Party, are guilty of All Seven ‘Abominations’.
They proudly, and in collusion with the media, continuously blame and defame Donald Trump and his supporters for every problem in America (false witness); lie about how well their policies, e.g. open borders, uncontrolled spending, Bidenomics, men in women’s sports and locker rooms; gender transitioning (wicked and evil plans); are all in America’s best interests (lies).
They consistently support (with our tax dollars) – the ‘wicked and evil plans’ of Planned Parenthood; punish pro-lifers who picket abortuaries, and Supreme Court Justices who don’t vote the way they want (sowing discord).
They bear false witness against followers of Donald trump, calling them MAGA ‘Extremists’, a cult, and … ‘deplorables, further sowing ‘discord’.
They use and abuse (wicked plans) our judicial system and laws to persecute and destroy Donald Trump, his family, his business holdings, his followers, and any possibility for him to ever hold office of any kind in America (Wicked Plans, lying tongues, sewing discord); anything to prevent their lawless handing over of America to the One World Government aspirations being perpetrated by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, creating distrust in our Federal Government, Constitution, and laws, all while assuming a ‘proud look’ pose to deceive the American people.
While the * ‘brethren’ mentioned in the above Proverb referred to the people of Israel, these ‘abominations’ in the eyes of God, apply to America’s Citizens – and should be of particular concern to America’s professing Christians who are currently in the crosshairs of America’s anti-God secular government officials in Washington and democrat controlled cities and states..
Ecclesiastes 1:2
Whoever the House of Representatives in Congress choose to be the Speaker of the House, the decisions of our elected representatives before they reconvene on January 3rd, on a wide array of critical issues, not least of which pertains to Israel, the Middle East, Ukraine, and our southern border, will have a serious impact on whether Republicans retain control of the House and regain control of the Senate in the 2024 elections– both of which are crucial if we can expect to address our moral and ethical confusion, contention, and threats to our religious freedom by deluded and deceived democrats.
Click this link and watch it to the end. It is of utmost importance to understand what looms on the horizon if we fail to awaken and Engage
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