The Real America “Reset”

The Restoration of America as a Nation “Under God”

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.”

Isaiah 59:19

“Where there is no vision the people perish”

Proverbs 29:18

For those of you who know, or believe that we are in the last days, months, or years of the Age of the Gentiles, and are resting on your ”laurels” waiting for the Rapture of the Church, the Great Tribulation, or His Second Coming, be advised: we are called to “occcupy till He Comes” (Luke 19:13), which means, “do His Business” not the world’s.

In other words, continue being “salt” and “light” to honor and glorify Him Who Is the Sovereign LORD of heaven and earth; warn and reach the lost with the saving message of Jesus Christ, and stand for righteousness.

While the signs of the times point to these coming events, the Apostle Peter writing of the coming destruction of the wicked, said…

“… beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (II Peter 3:8).

Everything for which America’s Founders wisely revered, fought, and died for, as did hundreds of thousands of Americans who gave their lives to preserve, are now under unrelenting and pre-planned assault using our schools, our children, and now evident in our streets, courts, media, halls of government, churches, and institutions, by a ‘woke’ and elitist mob determined to force Americans to accept their anti-God, anti-Christ vision, whether we like it or not, and certainly … without our permission.

If not confronted by Patriotic Americans of vision, faith, and action, in the next 14 months – culminating powerfully on November 5th, 2024, our freedoms, including religious freedom, values, and way of life, could well perish before our eyes.

Sadly, unthinkably, if that happens, we, and our children will pay a devastating, cruel, and unnecessary price. The time to ACT is now, not later. Not six months from now, but NOW.

“…who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

I Samuel 17:26

As Young David asked his brothers, we too should ask ourselves, “Who are these godless, arrogant usurpers who think they can defy the will of the living God; murder, mislead, and maim our children; and deny our God given rights, in defiance of we-the-people and the eternal rules of order and right?

Young David understood by the infallible Word and Spirit of God that Goliath was no match for the living God. We need the spirit of David to arise in us to trust God, engage the Satanically deceived with truth and determination, using the rights our Founders won for us; freedom of speech and assembly, and the right to govern our states and nation by selecting who will best represent us by casting informed votes at the ballot box.

The Question Now Before Us

Will we ‘stand’ in the battle for America, confront the enemy of our souls and our children, before it is too late? Or will we shrink back in fear of threats of personal harm or loss at the hands of the Godless?

Will we persist in the faith, outspoken for Christ as the Son of God, and only hope for the nation; a witness to the world, and eternal life for all who place their trust in Him?

Will we turn out in great numbers to stop the godless “Reset” of America?

That is our Calling and Task over the Next Fourteen Months

Will you help me do my part as a Watchman on the Wall?

Ezekiel 33:6

Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

Nehemiah 4:14

“Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”

Jeremiah 6:16

“You are the salt of the earth…the light of the world…let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:13-16

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD of hosts.

Zechariah 4:6

“… stand fast in one Spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; and in nothing, terrified by your adversaries.”

Philippians 2:27-28

“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people claimed by God as His own, to proclaim the triumph of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

I Peter 2:9

Doesn’t wisdom cry out? Doesn’t understanding raise her voice? On the top of high places by the way, where the paths meet, she stands. Beside the gates, at the entry of the city, at the entry doors, she cries aloud.”

Proverbs 8:1-3

Embrace The Call…As One Man

Nehemiah 2-6 & Judges 6-7

Build The Spiritual Wall To Protect Your Family, Your Community, State, and Nation!

There is no better time to proclaim the eternal truth that “God was in Christ,
reconciling the world to Himself.”

2 Corinthians 5:19

Given threats and acts to oversee and silence the voices and viewpoints of Christian ministries by state and federal governments, Restore America is no longer a 501(c)(3) tax deductible ministry, having chosen to be free of any nexus and control of the federal government.

If you have questions, about this decision, please call 1-888-699-2888 or send an email to

Contributions to Restore America should be mailed to:

P.O. Box 147, Grimsley, TN 38565

Thank you for standing with us!

We need your financial support

“but for the Bible we could not know right from wrong.
All things most desirable for men’s welfare…are to be found portrayed in it.”

Abraham Lincoln

T“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and a sound mind

II Timothy 1:7

Education And The Enemies Within

Transformation? Or Restoration!

What We Hold In Common

The End Of Our Republic

An American Catastrophe

An American Moment

Christ or Chaos

Origin Of The Stolen Election

VP Harris Admits Election Fraud Occurred

Big Name Dems Sound Alarm About Voting Machines

The Debate About Dominion Voting Machines

Defrauding The American Voters

Democrat letter of inquiry

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