Selling Out America – The Unadulterated Truth

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

John 8:32

“For the time will come when they will . . . turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.”

II Timothy 4:3-4 NASB

The Biden Administration – Out Of Control

On April 1st I published a Commentary titled “The Unadulterated Truth”, quoting John 8:32 and how truth can immediately “change” the entire perception of events that if not exposed, can destroy lives, and the freedoms of all involved.

Truth clarifies, cleanses, sets things right, enlightens the eyes,
the mind, is a prerequisite to justice . . . and inspires action.

Given all that we know about the Biden family, their personal and public dishonesty, duplicity, and complete sell out of America to the radical globalist Left, their plans for our demise cannot be ignored. They must be exposed.

If we have learned anything about the liberal media, it is that we cannot trust them to tell “the truth” about much of anything that is important to Americans. It is up to us as citizens to do our due diligence and report our findings to our families, friends, and those in office who hear only what the radical liberal element in the media and White House, want us to hear.

In a letter from Matt Staver, Founder and President of Liberty Counsel, one of America’s greatest defenders . . .

The latest threat to America’s Sovereignty and Freedom comes from WHO, the United Nation’s World Health Organization, whose Director-General is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a paid lackey of China’s Communist Party President Xi Jinping.

Tedros, under the influence of Xi and the Communist Party in China, wants to change WHO‘s current “Advisory” role to the nations, to that of an “Enforcement body” whose authority would “carry the force of international law. . . on a wide range of issues, including all things involving health care, such as abortion, medicine, treatment, supply chains, shipping, exports, and the power to censor. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI); Critical Race Theory; Climate Change’, gun control and more, could all be impacted.

Joe Biden can circumvent the Constitution and cede our Sovereignty to WHO (and the Communist Party’s strategy to control the world), by signing an “agreement” to go along with this obvious plan to assume power they should not have, nor can we allow.

Go to the Liberty Counsil’s Website to review this proposal, and sign their petition for Congress to STOP Biden from signing this disastrous agreement, to which the Biden Administration has already demonstrated serious involvement.

Please Note: While we are at the End of The Age of the Gentiles, we continue to have a stewardship responsibility as citizens of both heaven… and earth. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Please forward this Commentary to your friends and family, church Board, pastoral staff, and elected Congressmen and women who are charged by oath to protect and preserve our freedoms in a democratic republic.

In addition to signing the petition, calling your elected Senators and Congressional Representatives is appropriate. Many may not even be aware of this subterfuge.

The U.S. Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121.

Please forward this Commentary and support our efforts to awaken the Body of Christ to their citizenship responsibility.

Please prayerfully consider sending a gift of any amount to:

Restore America

P.O. Box 147, Grimsley, TN 38565

“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!”

Psalm 107:1

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