The Cost Of A Lost Conscience

“Ultimately, all physical war is merely a mirror of the greater and often unseen spiritual warfare.”

Stu Weber Former Green Beret Captain, Patriot Pastor, Author, Leader
From his book Spirit Warriors

“Not In Our National Interest”

Joe Biden in a Press Conference on Afghanistan

I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy,
and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

The Army Ranger Creed

Two days after the withdrawal of all American Military forces and Embassy Personnel from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and thousands of our Afghan protectors with no way out, America’s President held a Press Conference denouncing the Supreme Court decision to let stand the Texas Abortion law protecting innocent human life, a statement which leaves thoughtful Americans asking…

What is the difference between Joe Biden choosing to abandon Americans and their Afghan protectors to barbaric men who stone women, force young girls into involuntary marriage and servitude, and behead fathers in front of their children, while at the same time supporting the erasure of innocent and unprotected human life here in America?

Virtually none! Joe Biden, unconscionably and dishonorably, did both.

This President demonstrated that neither he, his White House staff, top military and political advisors care anything about what America and Americans stand for, morally or ethically. He has no code of honor.

I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy,
and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

The Army Ranger Creed

(If it is the creed of our soldiers, it should be the creed of our Commander-in- Chief)

Leaving American Citizens and Afghan men, women, and children to the merciless hands of barbarous and uncivilized warlords is no different than consigning innocent human beings in America to the hands of the money hungry abortion industry and those who support them.

Both Biden, the Taliban, and Biden’s White House Political Advisors are birds of a feather. They have no moral or ethical compass or conscience, and should therefore, should be removed from Office.

America will not survive if we fail to rise up to demand accountability from this President and his misguided ‘advisors’, and that means resignation, court martial, or impeachment.

Pray that God through the power of the Holy Spirit, moves in the hearts of good and Godly men and women who revere truth, to stand against this Satanically motivated destruction, speak up boldly in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and call our elected officials to account.

The Capitol Switchboard

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and a sound mind
II Timothy 1:7

Pray for the Christians in Afghanistan

Our Values, Beliefs, and Commitments

Our Judeo-Christian Heritage and Civil Government as outlined in our founding documents are of utmost importance to America’s future; that informed, principled and sustained involvement of Christians in civil government is necessary to preserve the knowledge of God, the value of each human life, and our God granted rights under the Constitution. (II Corinthians 10:3-5)

Restoring the “Vision” of our Forefathers to create a nation Under God” must be restored to the Body of Christ if God’s people are to fulfill their ‘salt and light’ responsibility in the preservation of the Republic and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 5:13-16)

The Stewardship of Our Vote – The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the VOICE and VOTES of enlightened American citizens protect and preserve the Republic “Under God.”

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and to all the inhabitants therof.”

Leviticus 25:10

And to our Citizens left in Afghanistan and The Afghans who helped them, in their pursuit of Freedom

The inscription cast on The Liberty Bell in 1752 and rung on July 8, 1776 at the first reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Christ or Chaos

Origin Of The Stolen Election

VP Harris Admits Election Fraud Occurred

Big Name Dems Sound Alarm About Voting Machines

The Debate About Dominion Voting Machines

Defrauding The American Voters

Democrat letter of inquiry

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