Exposing The Democrat Frauds

“it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
George Washington

Can we prevail now? I fear we may not. Because the post-Christian soul, which has heard the promise of Heaven and rejected it with a shrug, is the soul of a natural slave. It believes that death is the end. It can’t muster the old pagan faith in its descendants and its nation. Christianity ruined all that for us. But it tosses aside the Gospel too. So it stares into the void.

John Zimirak – August 2,2021 – The Stream

The latest expose’ of those who ‘stare into the VOID’ is written by Victor Davis Hanson, at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute.* An astute observer of the godless Left in America, now ensconced in the democrat party, his latest article articulates the many now obvious frauds they have embraced and perpetrated on America at the hands of a dishonest and politicized heathen media.

Without God, and without Christ, America is being led by fallen men and women without hope beyond the grave, slaves to a world system who are ‘staring into the VOID’ of their unrenewed minds. They are empty souls without answers, hirelings who fleece the flock, and not shepherds who serve those for whom they are responsible.

God forbid we allow this fraud to continue, for Christ’s sake, the sake of our children, our God Granted freedoms, and a lost world that needs to know the love and gift of God in Christ . . . eternal life.

Restoring the “Vision” of our Forefathers to create a nation “Under God” must be restored to the Body of Christ if God’s people are to fulfill their ‘salt and light’ responsibility in the preservation of the Republic and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 5:13-16)

*Hoover Institute

Given the current Administration’s Assault on our faith, our elections, our families, our children, our morals, borders, and God ordained freedoms, our voices must be heard more than ever in the public square and market places of America. To that end,

Restore America remains…

Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government…whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers. Its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”

Thomas Jefferson, /Draft Kentucky Resolutions/ [1798]

Our Values, Beliefs, and Commitments

Our Judeo-Christian Heritage and Civil Government as outlined in our founding documents are of utmost importance to America’s future; that informed, principled and sustained involvement of Christians in civil government is necessary to preserve the knowledge of God, the value of each human life, and our God granted rights under the Constitution. (II Corinthians 10:3-5)

Restoring the “Vision” of our Forefathers to create a nation Under God” must be restored to the Body of Christ if God’s people are to fulfill their ‘salt and light’ responsibility in the preservation of the Republic and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 5:13-16)

The Stewardship of Our Vote – The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the VOTES of enlightened Christian citizens protect and preserve the Republic “Under God.”

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and to all the inhabitants therof.”

Leviticus 25:10

The inscription cast on The Liberty Bell in 1752 and rung on July 8, 1776 at the first reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Christ or Chaos

Origin Of The Stolen Election

VP Harris Admits Election Fraud Occurred

Big Name Dems Sound Alarm About Voting Machines

The Debate About Dominion Voting Machines

Defrauding The American Voters

Democrat letter of inquiry

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