2019… Year Of Reckoning

“Profligate politicians have never met a multibillion-dollar infrastructure project they didn’t like — except when it comes to President Donald Trump’s border wall.”

Michelle Malkin

No matter which network news channels you watch, the petty politics of Pelosi, Schummer, and left wing media talking heads, is proof positive they have no real regard for the legitimate concerns of hard working, tax paying, American voters.

Those voters had had enough of wimpy Republicans, deceptive Democrats, Obama speeches, and ‘lyin’ Hillary on election night 2016. Tired of career politicians beholden to special interests, they chose an ‘outsider’ unbeholden to the political establishment, lobbyists, the globalist left, and bureaucrats who have done nothing for decades to resolve the problems on the Southern Border.

They had enough then, and hopefully… will again, soon.

When it becomes more widely known that both Pelosi, Schumer, and 54 Senators in 2013 voted for a ‘wall’ on the Southern border to the tune of $42 billion that included everything Donald Trump and Republicans are offering, they may begin to see the hypocrisy for what it is… a self serving, unscrupulous, and deceitful effort to resolve a major problem, all to stop Trump from carrying out another major Campaign promise for which he was elected.

Trump as Jepthah

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!”

George Washington

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