David Barton On Voting

The May 15th Oregon Primary Will Decide Who Our Next Governor Will Be

“The people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption.”
Rev. James A. Garfield, (1831-1881), United States President, Minister of the Gospel

“How so”, you say?

Only 182,000 Oregon Evangelicals and Born Agains voted in the 2014 Midterm Election (36% of those who were registered).

506,000 were registered to vote.

630,000 by current estimates, are expected to be registered for the May 15th Primary.

If 75% of those (472,000), Turn Out to vote, (Our Goal), the votes of Bible believing, Evangelicals and Born Agains could determine the outcome of every race at all levels, local, state, and federal, in Oregon! It could happen if enough of our nearly 4,000 readers and supporters would simply forward this email to their Christian friends, asking them to do the same, and pass it on to their list, etc..

Which will it be?

36% or 75%?

David Barton, Founder of Wallbuilders, is the premier authority on our true American History and political foundation. He is the ‘Noah Webster’ of our time; counselor to state and federal elected officials; historian par excellence, and unparalleled teacher of millions of Americans.

Watch his video on why the Christian Vote in America is essential if America is to be preserved as a nation “Under God”

And if we fail as God’s people we have no one to blame but ourselves

We have believed lies about our history, who we are as a people and nation and rejected the truth that sets and keeps us free.


Let’s not repeat the mistake of the 2014 Oregon Midterm Primary when only 36% of registered voters voted and hundreds of thousands of Evangelicals registered and unregistered … DID NOT VOTE!

Click here if you wish to know the difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.

To see the plan for both the Oregon Primary and General Election, click on this link…

The 2018 Operation Oregon Campaign

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Your monthly financial support is needed as we work to Change Oregon.

To make a contribution from your cell phone
Text the word “VOTE” to 41444 to Give.

Restore America