The Innocents And Us

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” Jeremiah 1:5

Set Apart For His purpose

“We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

As a nation we have struggled with the question of abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. Even the most ardent supporters of abortion must now admit, the tiny person in the womb is human, not a random cluster of meaningless cells. And as a human being, that little person has a God-given right to live, according to our own Declaration of Independence. Tragically however, millions of Americans assume a prerogative higher than their Creator while ignoring Him altogether to suit themselves.

Christians, as a matter of conscience, have appealed to Americans for 44 years, not to harden their hearts toward these small, innocent and defenseless human beings in the womb. But our appeals are ignored by judges, lawmakers and indifferent citizens while children in the womb continue to be unconscionably slaughtered and their body parts sold by Planned Parenthood like mere meat on the chopping block.

Now comes one who, playing god, assumes a higher prerogative–the governor of Oregon, signing into law a measure forcing taxpayers to pay for ALL abortions in the state, even requiring that taxpayers pick up the bill for illegal immigrant abortions as well.

Governor Kate Brown, by signing the bill passed along party lines by the democrat controlled legislature, made every Oregonian who pays taxes, participants in the immoral and uncivilized killing of innocent human beings.

With about 9,000 abortions annually in Oregon – 24 killings per day – Kate Brown and our morally challenged democrats in the Oregon Legislature, have increased that number substantially, spending your money to the tune of about $12 million annually while denying your right to vote on an arbitrary policy that kills innocent human beings.

Every Christian in Oregon who wants God honored by our collective witness to the love of Christ, should be deeply concerned – even ashamed – at the apparent lack of interest and indifference to this issue by the hundreds of pastors and tens of thousands of professing Believers in Oregon who do not wish to be identified with a Pro-Life petition drive to stop this heinous and horrific murder of the innocents right here in Oregon.

Oregon Life United is the pro-life group gathering petition signatures to place Stop Tax Payer Funding For Abortion on the November General Election ballot. They have nearly 91,000 signatures of the 118,000 required by the State of Oregon. All Oregon Christians who are eligible to vote, should sign this petition and use their Oregon Tax Credit to enable this group to succeed. You have until December 31st to give your Tax Credit to them.

Click on the below link to explain how that works and forward this email to every Christian you know who resides in Oregon.

Stop the funding!

How to Use Your Tax Credit

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The Call To Prayer

Eternal Father, our Creator, Who knew us in eternity past, and knit us together in our mother’s womb, forgive us for our apathy and indifference to the wanton killing of the innocents around the world and in our own state. Remove the blinders from our eyes and pierce the hardness of our hearts that we might sacrifice ourselves and our prerogatives as You did Yours, that others might live. Open our eyes to see what we can and should do, and do all. In the Name above all names, Jesus of Nazareth, our Savior, Amen.

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

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