Christians And Politics

Should Christians be involved?

You must have heard the argument that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics, public debates or policy discussions because all these things are of the world, and we are supposed to be heavenly minded?

“Be in the world, but not of it.” (John 17:16)

Have you also heard the argument that we should “render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s,” a scriptural reinforcement of the first argument (Matt. 22:21)?

In these teachings is Jesus telling us to be completely removed from the world and from all the business of governance, law and public morality? Or is he rather warning us of the temptation to become so worldly minded we forget about making the kingdom a priority?

If we believe we have no duty to engage the culture, then the influence of Christ on culture will not exist. If Christ does not influence culture or politics, then what shall we expect from both? And if His influence is void, are we then left without any access to evangelize?

Know this, at this very moment, powerful, global forces are working through the United Nations and our own government, goaded by Jihad, to outlaw evangelism, calling it an insult to Islam, a hate crime, an offense to the religion of tolerance, diversity and inclusion.

Strange how the secular doctrine of ‘inclusion’ always means our EXCLUSION!

Shall we cooperate with our own expulsion? Shall we agree we shall have no voice, that we will endorse cutting off the influence of Christ, that we will renounce the King of Kings in the public square because to do otherwise is to betray heaven?

Or is that nothing more than a cowardly cop out?

Had that been the attitude of people like William Wilberforce and Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, and all the other Christian abolitionists of the 19th century, the bonds of slavery might never have been broken here in America.

Christians are the conscience of the nation, as the founders roundly agreed. If submit means agreeing to bite our tongues and sit on our hands today, babies will continue to be dismembered in the womb, and children will forever be kidnapped and sold into sex slavery while abortionists and pornographers amass fortunes.

Allan Erickson, Restore America Board of Directors

Read the entire article here

Let’s not repeat the mistake of the 2014 Oregon Midterm Primary when only 36% of registered voters voted and hundreds of thousands of Evangelicals DID NOT VOTE!

Click here if you wish to know the difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.

Getting your church fully registered and Voting!

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The 2018 Operation Oregon Campaign

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