Kate Brown, Oregon’s Out Of Control Governor

Oregonians: Deliver Yourselves!

Less than two weeks ago I wrote that Oregon needed a new Governor and listed several of
the reasons why.

Yesterday, in response to President Trump’s call for the National Guard to assist the Border Patrol on our Southern Border, Kate Brown, Oregon’s radically left wing sanctuary state
Governor got the attention she wanted when she brazenly stated that Oregon’s National Guard would not participate. Her comments were carried on national television and again on Friday and Saturday on Fox News.

The Governors of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, all border states, welcomed the President’s call. So why did Brown – when Oregon is not even a border state – make such a statement?

Up for election, Brown played to her liberal Oregon base, primarily in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, and Lane Counties, knowing it would get national attention and further establish her credentials with the nation’s card carrying left wing Trump haters. But this is not the first time she has demonstrated her ideological propensity with Oregon as her ‘petri dish’ playpen.

Just before leaving Oregon for Bonn, Germany and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Governor Brown issued two absurd Executive Orders which she claimed would, “drive the state’s efforts forward in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

In the article about the Executive Orders, State Senator Dennis Linthicum, said, “these orders were announced just before the Governor left for the UN conference for climate initiatives in Germany. Apparently, this was the point.”

At that conference Brown said Oregon would be a ‘petri dish’ for her progressive policies. As Allan Erickson, Restore America Board Member stated, “We are her lab rats.”

Linthicum concluded his excellent analysis of these executive orders by correctly stating, “Remember, if we don’t stand for rural Oregon values and common-sense, No one will.”

The May 15th Oregon Primary is our opportunity to voice our opposition to Brown and her liberal democrat legislators.

Our Goal? 472,000 Evangelical and Born Again Christians VOTING for conservative candidates for the Oregon House, Senate, and Governor.

The decision for who becomes the next Governor of Oregon is critical for all Oregonians. If you have not registered or know others who have not or may not have registered, encourage them to do so.

Here is how your church, organization, and church leaders can make a difference:

Getting your church fully registered and Voting!

To see the plan for both the Oregon Primary and General Election, click on this link…

The 2018 Operation Oregon Campaign

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

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Restore America