Calling Upon His Name

“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit ye like men, be strong.”
I Corinthians 16:13

“Calling On The Name Above All Names”


Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, in a recent Newsletter reporting on the “dangerous times” in which we are living, said, “There are threats within and threats without.” He went on to say, “We are called to stand – to be salt and light in the earth. Throwing in the towel is not an option. We are called to live out our faith in an authentic way so that it touches the lives of others, and ultimately our communities.”

It is in ‘community’ that Christians can walk with God and each other on behalf of the nation, our leaders, our children, and those who serve sacrificially to ensure our safety from the ‘threats within and without.’

Overcoming Evil

Praying together daily, with our wives and husbands, as families, as church bodies, and fellowship groups with the eternal truths of the Scripture before us and led by the Holy Spirit, overcomes our fears and anxious thoughts. It is then that the Spirit of God fills our hearts with praise, dismisses our anxious thoughts and gives strength for our day.

Our nation is indeed under great threat, as much – if not more – from within. Radical groups who want to transform America, and a plethora of left wing dissidents, aided by a deceptive and deceived media, and entertainment industry, are determined to undermine our dependence on God and His “eternal rules of order and right.”

Our Examples

God of heaven and earth, The Sovereign King over all men and their plans, to tear down and build up as you ordain and for your purposes, we come as you have called us to do, to bow our knees before you in humility recognizing that without your overseeing hand, we are mere foolish and fallen men driven by our lusts, passions, and pride. Protect and preserve us as your witnesses on earth that men and women may be saved from the lies and deceptions of Satan and those under his rule. Strengthen us by your indwelling Holy Spirit and eternal wisdom in the days and months ahead, that you might be glorified in all we say and do. In the Name above all names. So be it.

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Help us stop the Left’s Agenda In Oregon.

Restore America