Everyone Has A Story

Everyone Has A Story – Here’s Mine

The Beginning

I was born in Eugne, Oregon in 1943 to Duane and Grace Crowe. My father worked in the lumber mills in Marcola, a very small community of loggers, mill workers, farmers and small-town shop keepers at the western base of the Cascade mountains. My mother was a homemaker and caretaker of my older sister Jeannie, younger sister Julie, and me. I milked the cows, fed the pigs and chickens, and worked in the bean and hay fields for local farmers in the summers so we could pay for school clothes.

My first memory of my father was when he and his brother Veral, both Marines, having returned after the war in the Pacific, stood at the foot of my bed in full uniform and asked me which one was my father. I had just awakened and still remember as a little boy, wondering, and then guessing. I chose my uncle Veral, and they loved telling that story for years.

Before the War with Japan, uncle Veral was assigned to the small Island of Corregidor in Manila Bay, the Philippines. After the Japanese took control of Corregidor, he survived the Bataan Death March, and spent the war in Japan as a prisoner of war. He weighed 70 lbs when he was released. My parents, not knowing whether they would see him again, gave me his name as my middle name.

During the Korean War, I remember playing with little plastic soldiers, tanks, trucks, and Howitzers in the sand pile my Dad brought home and dumped near the driveway.

Our two-room elementary school with thirty kids, and a large grassy playground was just across the creek (We called it a ‘crick’) from our little farm and house. I still remember my teachers from first to sixth grade, who taught us every day how to read, write, do arithmetic, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and respect the principles, and values of our Founders.

Today, it is different… very different!

I wonder where our teachers, school boards, administrators, and those who are responsible for curriculum got the idea that the essentials necessary for a functional and civilized society or nation… don’t really matter anymore.

Recent reports from around the nation show ever decreasing test scores for reading, writing, and math. Granted, we have just gone through a two-year lock down of our schools due to Federal and State mandates; however, decreasing scores have been reported for years.

Considering all the social, moral and political issues with which they must contend, they have somehow forgotten what their priorities should be.

They seem to think that kids today don’t need to know how to read, write, and learn arithmetic, nor the importance of our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage. They are not considered important enough to even be on the list of priorities at the elementary school’s office!

So what does ‘elementary’ mean if not learning to read, write, and do simple math?

Are they not essential for making wise decisions and navigating our way to a productive life in a ‘high tech’ world of computers, ‘smart’ phones, and competing worldviews?

Learning to read … widely, and well, is fundamental! Writing intelligently, and learning to think logically, which math develops, is also ‘fundamental’ (elementary).

In fact, our children are losing the necessary ability to reason and assess what they are seeing and hearing on Television, the Internet, the news media, and their ‘smart’ phones! How can they not?

The anti-god humanists who have rejected the Scriptures and ergo, authority of God crowd, controls the media, entertainment, halls of academia, government, and… what is taught in our public schools.

Thanks to our preoccupations and capitulation to them, “Education” in America is now dominated by ‘rights’, ‘feelings’, social and biological engineering, and the propagandizing of our children as in the above window poster at the elementary school office.

Is it any wonder why our young people find no hope, drop out of school, take drugs, binge drink, disrespect authority and violate the law; engage in risky sexual activity and commit suicide in ever increasing Numbers?

They don’t know who they are, where they came from, and for what reason, or where they are going, and have no confidence we adults do either!

How, and Why, Has This Happened?

For irrational, baseless, and godless reasons, our nation’s ‘fundamental’ Judeo-Christian Heritage, organic documents, and the faith of our Founders, is no longer welcome or allowed to be considered or discussed in any significant manner in our public schools. Nor is that heritage welcome in discussions of public policy in the halls of government due to a series of disastrous and unprecedented anti-Christian Supreme Court Decisions commencing in 1947, continuing into the 60’s and ending in1980 with the banning of the Ten Commandments on the walls of our public schools.

Regrettably, the secularized educational system in America has been targeted, co-opted, and used by a cabal of anti-Christian elements for decades to purposely ‘dumb down’ successive generations since the 1960’s with revisionist history and programs like Common Core. As a result, our contemporary unionized teachers don’t prioritize learning to read, write, and learn math so they can think logically, analytically and objectively for themselves as teachers did in my generation.

If there is any hope for a return to cultural, political, moral and fiscal sanity before the LORD’s return, education in America must be restored to reflect our Judeo-Christian Heritage and ‘elementary essentials’ for the sake of our children, their understanding of God’s Providential purpose for America, their true freedom in Christ, and Christ alone; who they are, where they came from, and for what reason, and to choose where they are going.

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27

How To Change Education in America

Parents, pastors, community leaders, state legislators, and VOTERS in every state, here’s your chance to work together to make it happen! All Americans have one thing in common…

Our Children!

Changing Education options and restoring parental control over our public schools must be our number one priority in 2023 and 2024; followed by removal at the ballot box of woke state and federal officials.

There are many other important and worthy causes, but fundamental to our nation’s wellbeing is the proper education of Our Children.

“And He (Jesus) shall go before Him (His Father) in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children…”

Luke 1:17

Don’t wait! Start NOW!

Parents Of The World, UNITE!

Subtitle: How To Save Our Schools From The Left’s Radical AGENDA, By Ian Prior

Please help us continue proclaiming the Truth about Our current and coming Troubles, Judgements, the deceit and dangers of the Anti-Christ, and the only way of escape for the lost.

Please send a gift of any amount as you are led, to:

Restore America

P.O. Box 147, Grimsley, TN 38565

“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!”

Psalm 107:1


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