Time To Get Off The Sidelines

It is time to get off the sidelines!

“We Christians are not to withdraw ourselves and refuse or neglect to go to the polls and vote. We have a Christian duty and obligation to vote.”

Billy Graham, New Orleans, 1954

About 16 million self-identified born again Christians eligible to VOTE did not vote in the November 2016 General election.

8 million who were registered to VOTE did not.

8 million more were not registered to VOTE.

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, says that “America has a natural, overwhelming conservative majority–and that the real division is between red-white-and-blue America (about 85% of the country) versus a sickly pastel pink leftist fringe (the other 15%).” He states, “The pastel pinks have not only perpetuated the myth that the country is equally divided, they have also insisted that their positions hold moral authority.”

“Because that 15% controls our media and entertainment industry, academia, and a growing number of government institutions, their continuous bombardment of our lives with left wing secular viewpoints has succeeded in persuading many that they are right and we are wrong in just about everything we hold dear and true. As a result we Christians have come to believe that what they say must be true, marched obediently to the back of the bus, slumped quietly into our seats, and succumbed to their incessant rants. Sadly, far to many have given up on their citizenship responsibility, and become unwitting and compliant participants in the de-Christianizing of America by our failure to show up at the ballot box.”

As citizens of heaven and earth we have a stewardship responsibility to use our gifts and talents to His glory. (The ‘talent’ was originally a balance, then something weighed,” such as a silver coin; as well as a “power of mind or body considered as granted by God to one for use and improvement.” e.g. a stewardship.)

In His parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Jesus was critical of the servant who buried his talent and not a good steward of what his master had given him.

As Christians, we should not ‘bury our talent’ but use what God granted us through the faith and sacrifice of our Founders to preserve freedom of conscience, speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

With 16 million born again believers not voting, and our Republic on the line in the November 3rd Election, believers should be carrying voter registration cards with them wherever they go, church, job, shopping, and using every electronic means available to them to encourage and call their brethren to ACTION.

(And to as many as you can in 5 minutes)

Be a ‘Beacon’ of “Light!”

Be the “Salt” and “Light” our LORD called us to be!

Matthew 5:13-16


  • For our President, Cabinet, Staff, and families
  • Congress
  • Senate and House leadership
  • Your Representative, state and federal
  • Their wives and family
  • Godly Wisdom, strength, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives
  • Their protection, from evil people, evil spirits, the corona virus, and attacks on their minds and bodies
  • Stedfastness and humility
  • The Fruit of the Spirit in and around their daily tasks and staff
  • The nation, that the Republic will prevail
  • Righteousness and truth
  • Believers to be “salt” and “light’ in their homes, church, business, jobs, and public square

    “Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!”

    George Washington


    Restore America

    Compare The Democrat And Republican Platforms

    Looking Ahead

    We will post on our website where to get Voter Guides, What Churches May and May Not Do; How to conduct a well run Candidate Forum; and a Guide to Conduct Non Partisan Church Voter Registration Drives, and how to conduct a Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign, all of which are entirely legal and encouraged under state law.

    You can reach me at 931-250-2102 or


    with any questions.

    Please let me know if you are willing and able to help.

    Thank you.

    David Crowe, President and CEO

    “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”
    Proverbs 29:2

    Taking Back The Oregon Legislature House District By House District

    Restore America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry supported solely by the contributions of our readers and a small number of churches. Donations are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes and can be made online, or by mail.

    If you prefer, you can mail your contribution to
    Restore America
    P.O. Box 2225
    Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035

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