Oregon’s ‘Lunatic Fringe’ Passes Gross Receipts Sales Tax

On May 23rd I described the radical Portland/Eugene, democrat controlled Oregon Legislature and Governor as Oregon’s ‘Lunatic Fringe.’

As if their determined efforts to eliminate Oregon voter options to challenge their decisions through the Initiative and Referendum Petition Process were not enough with Senate Bill 761, on May 31st they approved a Gross receipts sales tax in defiance of the will of the voters in 2016 who overwhelmingly said “NO” to the Measure 97 gross receipts tax the Portland/Eugene cabal wanted to impose on all Oregonians. What part of ‘No’ do they not understand? Obviously, nothing!

What is obvious however, was their motive to tie the hands of the voters through Senate Bill 761; to impede voter ability to stop their plan to impose the Gross Receipts sales tax that would increase state coffers by a whopping 2 billion dollars; 7.5 billion over 5 years! Proof positive the Bernie Sanders/Ocasio Cortez big government/socialist mindset that prevails in Salem will be imposed on Oregon. . . .

Unless the citizens of Oregon rise up in a determined effort to stop it… NOW. If they do not, the radical ‘Left’ in Oregon, will succeed in re-making Oregon into a top down, citizen be damned, government controlled socialist state!

Fortunately, Oregon’s Taxpayer Defense Project has today begun the process of obtaining the 100,000 voter signatures necessary to . . . again . . . give the voters of Oregon one last opportunity to say “NO” to this latest money grab by the Portland/Eugene democrat dominated Legislature and Governor.


Go to Taxpayer Defense Project, and take advantage of your Oregon Political Tax Credit, and volunteer to help get the needed signatures.

Make this contribution
contributing to Restore America.

Put the issue squarely before the voters. And then begin the preparation to remove these charlatans from office in 2020!

Clearly there is no respect in Salem for the voters except for the Republicans who vigorously opposed both these bills.

Please help us Restore Oregon!

Thank you to all those who have already given! You play a vital role in our efforts to Restore Oregon “Under God.”

If those of our readers, who have not made a contribution in 2019 or before, and wish to help us get through the typically difficult summer months while supporting the above signature drive, please make a donation now.

“”Our cause is noble; it is the antithesis of Oregon’s misled Governor, Legislature, and their supporters!””

David Crowe

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”

II Corinthians 10:4-5

The Truth About Education In America

The Looming Catastrophe

When A Nation Rejects God

Pray for our nation’s leaders, our pastors, and for the Body of Christ to find their voice in the war against the Left’s Efforts to destroy the nation.

Restore America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry supported solely by the contributions of our readers and a small number of churches. Donations are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes and can be made online, or by mail.

If you prefer, you can mail your contribution to
Restore America
P.O. Box 2225
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035