Overwhelming The System
“Current U.S. immigration policy is not serving the best interests of America. Is there a way to protect American citizens and still welcome newcomers to our shores?”
Reihan Salam – Executive Director of National Review
Illegal Immigration on America’s Southern Border is a strategic part of the Left’s agenda to permanently change America, but so is maintaining open floodgates in legal immigration. A recent video by Dennis Prager, presents a pragmatic, fair, and fiscally wise, free market based alternative.
Click here to watch this short video
So why does this matter?
The agenda of the “left” in America is to so overwhelm our social, economic, and political system, that we become increasingly dependent on centralized socialist government controlling our lives. The end result will be the loss of our God ordained freedoms and the Constitution which protects and preserves them.
If the democrat left – led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer – can keep the flood gates open on the Southern Border, support safe haven sanctuary cities for illegals, and maintain the current open door to the extended families of legal immigrants, they will be ever closer to fulfilling their goals.
So What Is Our Part?
1. Support the President in his effort to build a wall at critical locations on the Southern Border. Call the White House at 206-456-1111 to register your support of his efforts.
2. Call your Senators and Representatives in Washington to express your support for the wall, and immigration reform. 202-224-3121
3. Determine to make every effort to support voter registration efforts in your church, civic groups, and conferences in your county for the upcoming 2020 elections. Why?
Believe me, the democrat left is already engaged in doing so!
“If you look closely at the developments of the past week you can easily see a movement that is committed to open borders and9 ending any effective enforcement of our immigration laws.”
Gary Bauer – Monday, January 11,201
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has set us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”
Galatians 5:1
“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!”
George Washington
Restore America
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