Are We A Christian Nation Or Not?

9 Days To Continue the Restoration of America – Under God

October 28, 2018

“The new birth is an imperative necessity because the natural man is altogether devoid of spiritual life. It is not that he is ignorant and needs instruction: it is not that he is feeble and needs invigorating: it is not that he is sickly and needs doctoring. His case is far, far worse. He is dead in trespasses and sins.”

Arthur Pink – 1886-1952

(One of the most influential evangelicals in the second half of the 20th century, and quoted here by David Lane, President of American Renewal)

A serious debate in the United States – and elsewhere in the world – is whether America will remain a “Christian Nation” or capitulate to the religion of Secular Humanism. In a recent article, David Lane astutely observes that . . .

“The answer to the question whether we are a Christian or a secular nation will determine whether Christians are going to engage the culture in the public square on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, or going to allow secularists to prevail and impose Secularism’s values by the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws in 2019-2020.”

Lane and Pink both recognize Christ’s clear distinction between the natural man and the spiritual man (John 3:3-6). One is unable to even see the Kingdom of God and the other is enabled by the Spirit of God to both see and understand the difference.

We cannot serve two Masters (Luke 16:13). We will either hate one and love the other, or else hold to one and despise the other. Christians – and Americans in general – must decide which ‘master’ they want to serve; either the LORD God of heaven and earth, or those who know not the LORD, and cannot see their own folly. One leads to righteousness and peace, the other, to ruin. This is the cause to which elections and our VOTES are directed.

Lane is correct when he says . . .

“Whereas it now appears to be just “a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea”, Gideons and Rahabs are beginning to stand, definitely indicating that there is going to be a spiritual resurrection in America.”

May it continue on November 6th.


Prayer for our nation

Eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, your children are troubled by what we see. We come to You as LORD of all things in heaven as well as things on earth for wisdom in this troubled time. Open our eyes and ears to Your Word, written and revealed, inspired and Alive, that we may see with Your eyes, repent of our sin and love of the world, and cry out to You for our nation, our families, and the Body of Christ in America and around the world. Move upon our hearts by Your Holy Spirit. Renew in us a right spirit, that we might once again honor and exalt You in our daily lives and families, worshiping You in Spirit and Truth. Remind us daily of Your death in our place and for our sin and the promise of eternal life to all who believe You died for their sin and receive You in childlike faith. May we return to prayer for our leaders and all who defend us, our nation, and Your eternal Word. May we daily seek Your Face and the wisdom You so generously provide as we follow You. Strengthen, protect, and provide the wisdom President Trump needs to lead and encourage our nation. Protect and preserve his family, his Cabinet, the Kavanaugh family, and all in their respective offices of government in America. Restore us, we pray. We ask these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Christians Can Change Oregon

9 days remain for Christians to change the legislature, and stop tax payer funding of abortion. Determine to make a difference. Call your fellow Christians as citizens of both heaven and earth to be the “salt” and “light’ our state and nation desperately needs. Urge them to VOTE!
Determine to make a difference. Call your fellow Christians as citizens of both heaven and earth to be the “salt” and “light’ our state and nation desperately needs. Urge them to VOTE!

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!”

George Washington

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