Oregon At The Edge

Giving up our right to govern

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”
Franklin Roosevelt – 32nd President of the United States

Working Together “AS ONE MAN”

Judges 6:11-16

Our Voice, Values, And VOTES

The nation is on the edge and Christians are the only protection and voice for righteousness in the face of Satan’s onslaughts against marriage, family, the unborn, and religious liberty. The question in every election is … “Will we Act?”

Turning in a much higher number of Evangelical ballots in the next 17 days is critical for giving Oregon voters better choices in the November General Election.

On April 21st I sent an email to all our Oregon Donors and readers, asking for their financial support to carry us through the May Primary and enable us to press on for an even higher turnout of believers in the November General Election.

The response to that request was nearly non-existent.

$10,000 is needed to improve – and increase – our outreach and “Calls” to VOTE
to more Oregonians between now and May 15th, and on into June as we continue our strategy to Restore Oregon state government to the ‘eternal rules of order and right’.

Gifts of $10, 20, 50, 100, or more, will be used to maximize the impact of our emails, research, data, social media, and hopefully, full page ads in Oregon Newspapers, with direct mail appeals for voter registration to Oregon pastors and Christian leaders leading up to the Election in November.

Please Click Here To Give

We have reset the target date to reach our goal, to May 11th.

Working together ‘AS ONE MAN’, we can make a significant difference in returning the governance of Oregon to the people and away from only a few counties who control the legislature and statewide offices. Who we elect to the state legislature and office of the governor in November is key to that restoration.

Please make a donation in any amount, TODAY. The 2018 elections in Oregon, and across the nation are critical to the restoration of Oregon and America.

From all of us at Restore America – Our Partners, Barbara Fassnacht, Ann Gray, Bob Lilly, Charlie Albert, and Allan Erickson … Thank You for your prayers, personal engagement, and sacrificial support!

David and Merrily Crowe

Let’s not repeat the mistake of the 2014 Oregon Midterm Primary when only 36% of registered Evangelical voters voted while several hundred thousand who could have voted…


A 75% turnout of registered Evangelicals and Born Agains is our goal for this Primary. Help us make that happen.


and forward each RA email to your list of friends, urging them to VOTE and forward on to their friends…the most effective single action you can take besides voting yourself.

Click here if you wish to know the difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.

The 2018 Operation Oregon Campaign

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Your monthly financial support is needed as we work to Change Oregon.

To make a contribution from your cell phone
Text the word “VOTE” to 41444 to Give.

Restore America