Restoring Oregon – AS ONE MAN

Working Together “AS ONE MAN”

As we approach the final days of our Spring voter registration drive, and preparation for the May Primary, the time has come to ask for your support again in the battle to Restore Oregon.

The generosity of our donors at the end of 2017 and into April has enabled us to provide the vision and information Oregon Evangelicals need in order to elect more competent and less ideological legislators and state leaders. We cannot thank you enough for making that possible, but now must ask for your support as our operational ‘coffers’ are depleted and the ‘Get-out-the-vote’ effort is upon us in one week. Our need is $10,000 for April, May, and June expenses and preparation for the November 6th General Election.

Please make your donation in any amount, today. Help us meet our goal by April 30th. Working together “AS ONE MAN’, can make the difference in who we elect as our public servants.

From all of us at Restore America – Barbara Fassnacht, Ann Gray, Bob Lilly, Charlie Albert, and Allan Erickson … Thank You for your prayers and sacrificial support!

David and Merrily Crowe

Let’s not repeat the mistake of the 2014 Oregon Midterm Primary when only 36% of registered voters voted and hundreds of thousands of Evangelicals registered and unregistered … DID NOT VOTE!

Click here if you wish to know the difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.

To see the plan for both the Oregon Primary and General Election, click on this link…

The 2018 Operation Oregon Campaign

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Your monthly financial support is needed as we work to Change Oregon.

To make a contribution from your cell phone
Text the word “VOTE” to 41444 to Give.

Restore America