What Will You Do?

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses it’s savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and trodden under foot by men.”

Matthew 5:13

There are three major decisions Oregonians must make in 2018. Who is going to be their Governor; Who is going to control the State Legislature; And whether Oregonians will stop the state from using their tax dollars to pay for abortions. All three are critical to Oregon’s future. Two of the three will be on the ballot, and the third could be if Oregon Christians awaken from their apathy.

Evangelical and Born Again Christians in Oregon will decide the outcome of all three.

24% of eligible to vote Oregonians (estimated to be 745,000 in 2018), are Bible believing, Born Again, Evangelical Christians. For decades the vast majority have been AWOL in Oregon’s Primary elections where our Votes can be most effective in choosing which candidates go forward to the General Election in November.

In the 2014 mid term Primary election however, only 182,000 voted!

Only 36% of registered Evangelical and Born Again Christians voted.

Over 325,000 who were eligible to vote … DID NOT VOTE!

Stopping taxpayer funding of abortion in Oregon

The State of Oregon requires 117,578 valid petition signatures for this issue to be placed on the November 6th General Election Ballot. As of this weekend, with 550 churches (of the more than 2000 in Oregon), participating in gathering signatures, 103,500 signatures had been turned in to Oregon Life United.

OLU has until May 25th to turn in collected signatures, but will need 150,000 signatures to account for unregistered voters, duplicates, and other reasons that the Elections Division disqualifies signatures.
The questions serious Christians across the nation are asking is fourfold:

First, “Where are all the rest of the 745,000? Surely – if they are serious about their faith – recognize that abortion is an abhorrent and detestable practice in the sight of God!

Second, “Is not the use of our hard earned tax dollars for such an abomination, an outrageous affront to us, as it is to our LORD?

Third, “Why are our ‘shepherds’ in the other 1500 Christian churches in Oregon NOT participating in getting the petitions on this fundamental moral issue before their congregations?”

Fourth, “What does this say to Christians around the country about the level of commitment of Christians in Oregon to the protection of the innocent and our rights of conscience?

Our failure to get this moral and ethical issue placed on the November ballot will encourage other liberal state legislators to assume their citizens will pay for abortion … causing even more abortions, heartache, and the unconscionable sale of fetal body parts in America.

Have you signed the petition yet? All that is needed is 47,500 more signatures. You can find out by going here. Get one or more petitions as well as all you need to know to ensure we ACT “AS ONE MAN” to place this issue on the November ballot.

I will address how Christians can decide the first two major decisions this week. Watch for these critical posts, and pray that the Body of Christ in Oregon takes these issues seriously, and ACTS!

In the meantime, go to the Restore America Web site and review the 2018 Operation Oregon slide presentation to see how acting together ‘AS ONE MAN‘ can change Oregon.


Americans, including Oregon’s Christian Community, have progressively given over their citizenship responsibility to state and federal government, and our children are paying the price for our delinquency. As in 2016, the 2018 elections provide further opportunity to regain control of government at all levels… if we but would!

Pray For Oregon Christians

Our Father and our God, pour out ‘heaping coals’ upon our heads lest we forget our duty to You, our Brethren, and the unborn. Cause our hearts to be moved to action on behalf of the innocents, and desperate women who know not your love, who they are, or what they are doing under the influence of the Prince of the power of the air. May Pastors and Believers across the state rise up in the power of the Living God AS ONE MAN, to convict us all of this evil and spur us to action to obtain the needed signatures. Prick the hearts of the lost with the truth that abortion is wrong, and serves only the purposes of Satan in their lives. In His eternal and powerful Name, So be it.

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Your financial support is needed to Change Oregon.

To make a contribution from your cell phone
Text the word “VOTE” to 41444 to Give.

Restore America