Changing Oregon “As One Man”

Restoring Oregon “As One Man”

It’s time to deliver Oregon from the hands of radical “progressives” in the Oregon State Legislature “As One Man.” Click on Restoring Oregon “As One Man” to see how, together, Oregon’s Evangelical and Born Again Christians can make this happen.

In God We Must Trust

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”
Psalm 24:1

“The First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the
people of this country from religious
values; it was written to protect
religious values from government tyranny.”

President Ronald Reagan
Address to the Alabama Legislature, March 15, 1982

Restoring Oregon “As One Man”

“Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” George Washington

Help us stop the Left’s Agenda In Oregon.

Restore America