The Next 120 Days

120 days from today, America will decide who the next President of the United States will be. Those who Vote, and those who should – but fail to do so – will not only have decided who will lead us, they will have decided whether we will embrace socialism and certain financial and national collapse, or a future based on the Constitution and the values of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

What Evangelical and Born Again Christians do in these 120 days, will determine the outcome.

Either we seize this watershed opportunity to VALUE OUR VOTE and the privilege it provides to choose those who will truly honor the Constitution, respect our God granted rights, and make wise decisions, or we once again ignore our citizenship duty to Vote and allow the ungodly to destroy the nation.

Today marks the beginning of the VALUE OUR VOTE Campaign, the goal of which is to register and turn out 5+ million more Evangelical and Born Again Christians in the
November 8th General Election.

We need your help. Restore America has over 4400 readers in 29 states, not counting thousands more on Facebook and Twitter. We need many more to join this campaign and take action. Encourage your friends to ‘like’ us on Facebook, join our email list, and forward our emails to friends.

Vote Your Values

Please go to the Restore America Homepage and scroll through the slide presentations including the “America 2016” Project slide show for more details.

November 8th will be one of the most decisive and determinative days in American history. May we all be committed, informed, and involved.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit Saith the LORD of hosts.”

Zechariah 4:6

Unless The Lord